Looking for a good book or two?

Depending on your reading tastes, I probably have a few good books for you. They are by my favorite author, Hadena James. She has several great series, and I am sure that you will find at least one (or more), that would interest you. Her latest book is Summoning Trouble, The Nephilim Narratives Book 5. I love this series! It has humor, occasional suspense, and a great storyline! Without giving anything away (no spoilers today), it’s about an angel exorcist who is working with her uncle becoming a detective. This story has angels, demons, and witches among other supernaturals, including humans too. This may sound like a scary or horror book, but I can assure you it isn’t! I often laugh out loud while reading this series, and my family look at me like I’m crazy. I’m certainly not crazy, I can just picture what is written, and I hear it in my head. I’m like that with all good books. If you are curious, please check this series out here on Amazon, and the first book in the series (Natural Born Exorcist) is free: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GX21GHK/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdo_G80MREFQVNTN3KXWP3HQ.

You will be glad you did!! Stay tuned for more books you didn’t know you needed to read!! #booklover #ilovetoread #solielandjerome #hadenaseries

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